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Our decluttering service at Sacred Dwellings is here to help you maximize your living space and create a harmonious environment in your home or office.
We provide specialized services that range from tidying up to a stockpile cleanup – all with one goal in mind – to give you back your sacred space.

Join our clients who have reduced stress and anxiety by having a more functional and peaceful living space by clearing clutter and chaos. 

Services Include: Home & Office Decluttering, Stockpile Consults, Recommendations & Cleanup, Coming Soon: Monthly & Quarterly Tidy Up's

We offer 3 packages to help meet the needs of project and home/offices sizes for decluttering and organizing. However, if your home/office is over 2,000 sq ft or you are interested in our Stockpile Service, we first need to complete a Home Consultation to understand project scope and budget, from there we will create a customized quote for you.

Clear Chaos + Take Control of Your Space


At Sacred Dwellings, we understand that your home or office can often feel overwhelming and unmanageable. That's why our organizing services are designed to give you the tools and strategies you need to take control of your space and create a more peaceful environment.

Our team is dedicated to helping you create a home that nurtures your soul, and our range of services is guaranteed to meet your needs.


Services Include: Home Flow Evaluation, Recs. & Design​, Organizing / Arranging, Product Recs.& Purchasing

Coming Soon: Monthly & Quarterly Keep Up's

We offer 3 packages to help meet the needs of project and home/offices sizes for decluttering and organizing. However, if your home/office is over 2,000 sq ft or you are interested in our Stockpile Service, we first need to complete a Home Consultation to understand project scope and budget, from there we will create a customized quote for you.

Bring Back Balance & Flow


Whether you are moving, welcoming a new family member or need help transitioning your home to a new stage in your life, we are here. We will work with you to understand your situation and your unique needs so we can help settle anxieties and bring balance back into your home.


Services Include:​ Pre & Post Move Organization / Packing & Unpacking. Pre-Baby Declutter & Deep Clean, Empty Nester Evaluation, Estate + Yard Sale Prep

Coming Soon: House Hacks

Energy is Everywhere

We require a Home Consultation for any Transitional Services. This is so we can understand your project scope and budget properly, from there we will create your customized quote.


As we go about life, we learn a lot about flow. It’s a very dynamic way of living, recognizing

we are constantly growing, evolving and being guided as we learn to tune more and

more into our own intuition.


At Sacred Dwellings, we believe recognizing energy flow and understanding that it is both within and around has a profound impact our well-being. Just as our body flows through energy centers known as chakras, and pathways known as meridians, our homes reflect this as well, and embodies both the energy brought into and created within the spaces we inhabit.


If something seems out of line looking inward is a necessary first step, in most cases, it will at the very least lead you to a question, this is your starting point. What can you do to change your situation? What habits have you formed that are no longer supporting the person you are or want to be? Are you living in a space that doesn’t flow with you or your families’ daily lives? Has your home grown stagnant due to neglect? Overwhelm? Stress?

Has there been a death or birth in your home?

Do you have spirits trying to speak to you? Are your pets acting differently? 


All these factors contribute to the energetics of your home and can cause energy to grow stale, negative and in some instances, combative. From this point it is up to you to determine if you can work on this by yourself or if you need assistance.


At Sacred Dwellings, we are invested in assisting you and your family to open the pathways (or hallways) for energy to flow naturally and abundantly, promoting positivity and vitality in your lives and your home. Our services are guided by intuitive practices and specialized training and experience of various forms. Our experienced team of Energy Stewards are here to help you create a home that feels vibrant, alive and reflective of your own unique journey.


Services Include:​​ Clear & Bless, 27 Moves, Feng Shui Feels

Coming Soon: Spirit Communication, Land Negotiations & Pet Energetics

FENG SHUI FEELS – Feng Shui Bagua Mapping of Entire Home
Feng Shui… the way of wind and water, is an ancient Chinese practice bringing balance to the home through Yin & Yang Energy, the Five Elements of Wind, Water, Wood, Fire, Metal, and Baguas, which is your home layout divided into 9-Sections.


Starting at your front door we will assess your entire home utilizing these methods, including a chat with you to understand where you feel energy is stuck or stagnant. Within one week we will provide you with a professional bird’s eye view layout mapping of your home which includes recommendations for enhancing energy throughout and a focus area to start clearing clutter & chaos. 


We will spend up to 2 hours in your home, and the remainder of our process will be completed at our office with a final PDF emailed to you.

27 MOVES – Accelerated Version of Feng Shui Feels
Transform your home and your life with Sacred Dwellings “27 Moves”. Using the powerful principles of Feng Shui, we’ll work together to determine the goal of the 27 moves and then move 27 carefully selected objects in your home to improve energy flow and invigorate your surroundings. It’s time to say buh-bye to feeling stuck and hello to a fresh, new start. We will start and end this service with a house blessing/prayer based on your intentions and desires.

CLEAR & BLESS – Smoke Clearing & House Blessing Service

Energetically transform your home into a sacred space with Sacred Dwellings’ Clear & Bless Service. One of our Energy Stewards will work with you to identify your specific needs and desires for your space, and using spiritual rituals and modalities, we will clear out stagnant energy and invite in new, positive energy. Our goal is to achieve a harmonious and peaceful environment that supports your wellbeing. These services are best suited for life transitions such as births, deaths, new jobs, and new homes, as well as spirit communication for various situations.

*If you are called to hold a special ceremony, please contact us to discuss details.




For things like...

Tidying Up

Holiday Party Prep


Gift Wrapping

Errands __+ More

*2 Hour Minimum | $44/Hr

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A Stay In Your Magick Collection

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